
27 Mac 2011

entry mengikut kepala otak -,-

HEY youu , Assalammualaikum & salam satu Malaysia :) kali ni entry akan bercampur-2 . whoaa , kenapa ? myb sbb banyak sangat la kud story . HAHA . meyh duduk depan opah , opah nak bercerita siket . Today cerite opah akan bermula dengan family opah . cett ! opah plakk . HAHA . sudah-2 . hey , nama saia siti aslah yea ? * kenapa keluar macam nih pulak ? act , saia sedang sewel sekarang . maaf -,- jum sambung balek pasal family aku .


ohemgee ! sekarang kami sekeluarga makin hari makin bahgia & kuat untuk tempuh hidup kami sekeluarga selepas apa yang terjadi pada along ( orang kuad keluarga ) yeah ! ibu ajar kami supaya kami kuad , kami tabah & banyakkan bersabar . Alhamdulillah kami telah pun menerima hakikat tentang apa yang telah terjadi pada along & abah . HEY kamo , semoga Allah membalas kejahatan kamo . terima kasih sebab merampas kesihatan abah kami wahai orang jahat ! abah pun semakin sembuh , along juga semakin aktif berjalan . Aku bersyukur sebab ujian yang Allah bagi ni tidak lah berpanjangan .


Muhammad Afiq, thank you for always there beside me when I washappy , laughing , crying , sad also the problematic situation . You're toogood for me . although my evil in your countless , but you still good with me, treat me like a "princess", to respect me as a woman . many have advised me & criticize me well . I feel very proud because there is also a full heart to love me ! thank you for giving me the opportunity to experience the love of you ! I love you very much !

You know my name, Not my story.

I am sorry that I like are not eligible to them. Seyra and Salwana, both of you, who have brightened my life at school. thank you very much for yourservice I can not reciprocate. I want to apologize if our friends over, I was always annoyed you both. whatsoever, both of you is the best I've ever met! i love you! sorry if we do not close right now: (

Tengs sebab bace . ILY readers .

0 0 org cumel ♥♥:

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